September 4, 2007

A day's menu

When people find out about our choice to eat a plant-based diet, there are a few typical responses. One is the question, "So where do you get your protein?" I'll tackle that answer in another post. Another typical response is, "So you just eat a bunch of salad?" Or the question may simply be, "So what do you eat?" In order to give an idea, every now and then I will post what I've eaten for the day.

Breakfast - Oatmeal w/ brown sugar and peanut butter, and a glass of rice milk
Snack (sort of) - 20 oz. coffee
Snack - half of an apple (didn't eat the whole thing because it didn't taste great)
Lunch - (Jimmy John's) veggie sandwich on whole wheat bread, jalapeƱo potato chips, unsweetened iced tea
Snack - popcorn and unsweetened iced tea leftover from lunch
Dinner - two whole wheat wraps (with lettuce, cabbage, asparagus, garbanzo beans, and a lime cilantro dressing), a slice of whole wheat toast with fresh tomato slices, and a glass of orange juice

My wife found the recipe for the wraps and made them. Very good.

I'm full. Probably could have done without the toast and tomato, but it is September, and tomatoes out of the garden are only good and fresh for a short period of time. I'm considering it my dessert.

I also drank about 40 oz. of water throughout the day, and I'll probably drink about that much more before the day is through.

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