September 7, 2007

Where do I vegan? Part II

So after I had first listened to the podcast (mentioned in my first "Where do I vegan?" post), I was intrigued. I listened to it two more times on that same day. Campbell's message was enough to lead me to the decision to look into an all plant-based diet. I resolved to at least try it for a month or two.

After listening to the podcast three times, or maybe it was while listening, I also researched as much as I could find online about Dr. Campbell. Unfortunately I feel I have to approach all of this type of info with a bit of skepticism. It seems like a diet book and subsequent program comes out every day. No carbs. No fat. Low-fat. Low nutrients. The protein diet. The carb diet. The no carb carb diet. Painfully obvious that at least some of the info out there is wrong, and it feels more like a lot of it is wrong. Especially after having tried some of the diets.

The next piece of the puzzle that sold me on Dr. Campbell's message, though, was the first few chapters of his book, which you can download as a preview. Honestly, if all I had were those few chapters it would have been enough for me to make the drastic change. But the chapters were compelling enough for me to buy the book.

If you've got a minute, check out the first few chapters for yourself.

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